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Author: Steve

Making Engaging Videos

Making Engaging Videos

Making Engaging Videos

Videos perform better and have more viral potential than a text or a photo. They are paramount when it comes to promoting your business, marketing your products and engaging your audience.

Professional marketing videos aren’t cheap. However, there are tools you can use to achieve satisfying results without breaking the bank.

Let’s first take a look at why incorporating videos into your marketing strategy is so important.

You can publish them in several places and platforms in order to give them more visibility.
Publish your videos on: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, your website or your blog.

They are eye-catching, enabling you to educate your audience in a more engaging format.

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How to Grow Your Blog Into a Business

How to Grow Your Blog Into a Business

Most of the time, businesses start blogging as a way to build an audience. However, the reverse seems to be happening.

More and more people with blogs are starting to monetize their traffic. It makes sense because one of the hardest things to do as a business owner is grow your traffic.

If you grow your blog first, you already have a solid following to support your business idea.

Starting a blog is easy, but if you want to make money later, you need to think about your strategy and set yourself up for success. It’s important to know what you need to grow your blog and grow your traffic.

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Business online: from scratch or a turnkey solution?

Business online: from scratch or a turnkey solution?

When it comes to building your online Business from scratch it can be a winding road.

First of all you need to search the market to find a profitable niche, where your offers are always in demand, analyze what tactics your competitors in that niche are using to market their products. Then, look for ways that you can find your spot in that niche without rehashing what everyone else has done.

You need to know that particular audience in order to come up with multiple irresistible offers to sell to your target.

You are going to have to test those offers and see for yourself which ones work and which ones don’t. Improve the ones that don’t work and continue implementing your selling propositions. Chances are that the numbers are unlikely to all fall into place on your first try.

Considering the fact that you will also have to deal with promotions, ads, building your list and so on…It can really be a long time before you start seeing some results. People often spend weeks just starting off and by the time they are almost ready to start promoting and making their first sales, it’s been months. Many lose motivation along the way and that pretty much destroys the business.

So, instead of going into the wild with nothing but the shoes on your feet, I wanted to share a few tips about how to create an online business in the easiest and fastest way possible. That means something that has already been proven of success. Something that you know from the start that It Works!

When creating an online business, your goal needs to be to find a product with a lot of past success and still plenty of room to grow.

This way, you’ll be able to tap into that same energy and desire on the part of the consumers. With a proven system you can focus your energies where you know there is money to be made. So…you might ask: “how do I find those systems and ensure that I can make profit from the start”?

I have been in the online marketing business for many years now and I’ve tried different strategies, some of which produced good results too, but I found out – based on my experience – that the quickest and most profitable solution was leveraging a done-for-you system.


The answer to that question then is found in the high ticket affiliate marketing programs. The reason being that you might get tired of hustling for small payouts and you could work the same – or less – and get paid more.

Most affiliate programs have really low commissions or are based on very low-price products.

However, if you choose the right program, becoming an affiliate marketer can really give you the financial freedom you so deeply desire. If you don’t, chances are that you’ll walk away and maybe try another method, only to watch that one fail too.

Whether you are a beginner – with no skills – or someone who already works online but would like to bring in real money consistently and abundantly, you can benefit from a proven system and marketing tools that are able to convert traffic into paying customers.

Everyone uses the Internet to make money in different ways. If you do it right you can turn it into an income-rich opportunity for yourself and never have to worry about finances ever again. When it comes to make money online, you have to think of the potential profit in the long run.

The goal is to cash in on the time you’ve spent on building your business and watch it as it grows exponentially.

Leveraging a system that is already making money makes it less difficult for you to start; much faster to make profits and it allows you to take advantage of a product that already has a reliable reputation in that specific field. A product or a system that is considered valuable and reliable. Doesn’t it sound much easier than starting with something that nobody has ever heard about?

Besides, picking a profitable proven system to promote means that all proceedings we’ve mentioned previously is compressed and you won’t lose the initial motivation. Keep in mind that with momentum comes greater motivation and a drive to keep pushing forward.

When searching for the right affiliate program and offers to promote, it’s important that you keep popularity and growth in mind.

You want to choose something that will keep growing, you don’t want to set up a business that becomes outdated and progress begins to slow down after a short period of time. Instead, look for a system that can provide you with a complete solution and everything you need to jump start your successful business. Something that grows in popularity and continues to allow for more advanced upgrades. Better yet if it can give you proper guidance and assist you on how to go about it.

Measure just how much value a program can add to your efforts online and if that increased value can help you make greater profits once you turn it into your own business online.

Building a profitable online business doesn’t have to be difficult, actually it can be super easy when you choose a step-by-step training to help you create extremely profitable offers to promote and sell.

The affiliate marketing business is worth billions of dollars annually and it is an opportunity for you to build a lucrative marketing business which allows you to use brand recognition as a selling point. If you pick the right program you will be provided with a number of useful tutorials and development tools, along with a development team that can answer most of your questions.

As we draw to a conclusion then, the title of this article is: Built from scratch or a Turnkey Solution?

I think my answer is clear. Pick a Turnkey Solution. Something that can give you quality products to promote, that allows you to grow fast and has the best possible commissions (a high ticket affiliate program). Something that is also fairly simple to join with and has a reliable, trustworthy reputation.


I know affiliate marketers who have reached 7- and 8- figure incomes with a single Program and they never run out of things to promote.








16 Facebook Marketing Tips for Beginners

16 Facebook Marketing Tips for Beginners

Of all social media sites, Facebook is the one that can offer marketers the most in terms of traffic, shares, fans, and even sales right now. Here are some basic tips that will help you get you started with Facebook marketing.

The Details:

1. Don’t try to sell your products or services directly. Facebook users log in to their accounts to connect with friends, family, and companies they like, not to discover business offers. Focus on building trust and authority instead.
2. Post fresh and original content every day. Valuable content attracts more fans, likes, shares, and traffic than self-promotional updates.
3. Respond to fans who ask you questions. This will eat a lot of your time, but helps you build a better image and encourages positive reviews, so it’s well worth it.
4. Provide customer support when people ask for it. Assign one person from your regular customer support staff to take care of these.

5. Establish a posting schedule. If you post every day at roughly the same hours, it will be easier for your fans to anticipate your updates, and they will come back for more.
6. Post your content in the afternoon. Although Facebook users tend to check their profile several times a day, they are usually most active in the interval between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm. There are exceptions, though, so it’s good to monitor the activity levels on your business page.
7. Let your fans tag your photos. This increases user interaction and often gets you more views, as some fans return to check the comments on photos they’ve tagged.
8. Use Facebook groups to showcase your expertise in a field, interact with other people with similar interests, and establish connections. Don’t join more than a few groups, because remaining an active member of all of them will probably take more time than you can spare.
9. Don’t post content that you’ve already posted on other social sites on Facebook. You can abridge articles or blog posts and turn them into Facebook updates, or expand tweets into Facebook posts, but try to avoid duplicate content.
10. Don’t post content without an image. Attractive photos grab the attention of your fans, and make them more likely to press the Share and Like buttons.
11. Use Facebook Ads. They are not a replacement for Google AdSense, but they are cheaper and do bring results.
12. Do encourage your employees to make an appearance on your Facebook page. Fans like content that comes from real people more and they connect with it more easily.
13. Tell your story and promote your philosophy. The brands that are most successful on Facebook—Coca-Cola, McDonalds, or Starbucks, to name a few—focus on the story and the culture of their brand, and you should do the same.
14. Feature your company events in Facebook Events. It’s a simple way to increase the attendance to your seminars, presentations, or product launches.
15. Direct users to your Facebook page rather than your website. The fact is that many Web users find it more convenient to discover a brand by checking their Facebook profile than by visiting their homepage. For best results, create a professional landing page.
16. Optimize your Facebook content for SEO. Add the right keywords to the headlines and content of your posts, the titles of your images, and the descriptions of your videos.

The Bottom Line:

Facebook marketing is a long-term effort that requires commitment and endurance, and rewards those who keep at it. Facebook can boost the image of your brand, bring more traffic to your website, and even increase your sales, but don’t expect these results to come overnight.

Squeeze Page Tutorials – Get Your Website Off The Ground

Squeeze Page Tutorials – Get Your Website Off The Ground

Getting your website off the ground is only the first step in setting up a successful online business. After that you need to actually make sales. However getting people to actually buy your product can be a bit of a challenge, which is where squeeze pages come into play.

There are a lot of squeeze page tutorials out there that can help you set one up. But the basic information is the same no matter where you go.

A squeeze page, also known as a capture page, is a page of your website with the sole purpose of enticing people into joining your email list. That is the only function of this page, nothing else.

It should not have any ads or links. All it should have on it is the ability to opt into your email list and information on your production and freebie offer. Your visitors should only have two options, join or leave.

This may seem a little off but the truth of the matter is that 98% of your visitors will never return anyways. So you need to work to maximize your efforts and entice those few who will actually stay into joining your email list.

There are some squeeze page tutorials out there that can help you with all of this, but there are still a few basic tips to help you get started.

1. Have a strong headline. Your headline is the first thing your visitors will see and it should keep them interested in your page. The three types of headlines you can use either ask a question, incite fear, or pique your visitor’s interest. It should also hint towards a free gift that awaits them should they sign up.

2. Do not place ads. As mentioned above, the sole purpose of your squeeze page is to get your visitors to join your email list. As such you do not want to distract them from this process. Having ads or other links will only allow them to stray from your desired path, which is not what you want.

3. Bullet points. You want to make sure your squeeze page has the necessary information, but also make sure that information is short and to the point. Your bullet points should give information about your product as well as the free gift they get when they sign up to your email list.

4. A video. This is entirely optional however having a video on your website can be a great boon to your chances of getting visitors to sign up. A video should give further detail on your free gift and product, as well it should have your bullet points to put further emphasis on them.

While there may be a lot of squeeze page tutorials out there that can give you more in depth information, these tips can help you lay the foundation for your squeeze page. With these basic tips you should be able to get your foot in the door and be able to set up your squeeze page properly so that you can start getting people to sign up for your email list.

Recommendation – The Best Squeeze Page Creator for WordPress

optimizepress reviewI’ve been creating squeeze pages online since 2011 and since then the best tool by far that I’ve used to create squeeze pages that actually work and convert my visitors into qualified leads with the best software on the market: is OptimizePress.

There are lots of alternatives to OptimizePress available on the market which are also WordPress tools but for me personally, you cannot beat OptimizePress in terms of the features and benefits it provides. It is super easy to use and has stunning designs built-in which add credibility to your squeeze page website, which ultimately results in you getting more opt-ins of highly qualified prospects.



10 Content Marketing Strategies to Avoid

10 Content Marketing Strategies to Avoid

Content marketing is the process whereby you identify and deliver information on your product and/or service to specific target audiences in an entertaining manner.

It is meant to give consumers something valuable for their time spent on your website. It is not meant to be one long, drawn-out sales pitch. Instead, it is meant to make the target audience feel valued—so valued that they are getting usable information or services for just stopping by your website.

Because this term is so overused these days, many companies take the easy way out and do the minimum they can to manipulate people into visiting their websites. But if you want to use true content marketing strategies, these are some things you should avoid doing:

The Details

  • Avoid creating your website without a goal in mind. What is your website supposed to accomplish? What do you want your customers to think of your website? Are you interested in return visits or just interested in immediate sales? The goal is the basis for your website design, so knowing ahead of time will help.
  • Avoid creating a website just to create a website if you have nothing to ultimately offer the potential consumer. Presumably your website will eventually convince your site visitors that they need what you have to offer. Have something to offer.
  • Avoid posting content on article directories in order to get backlinks. Google updates have blacklisted many article directories; therefore, obtaining backlinks from article directories that publish almost any kind of content can prove to be harmful. Instead, try to find highly ranked blogs that are in your niche. Contact blog owners and ask if they accept guest blog posts, then write engaging blog posts or hire a professional freelance writer to do it for you. This way you will gain relevant backlinks.
  • Avoid blogging to sell. Potential customers can see these types of blog posts from a mile away. If you are going to blog and expect people to read it, write actual content that is valuable. Give links that your readers will be able to use. Encourage discussion.
  • Avoid being solely facts-based. Facts alone bore people, even people who love facts! It is human nature to want to know how those facts fit into their everyday lives. Therefore, it is important to tell a story.
  • Don’t use “untargeted retargeting”—random secondary targeting of website audiences through other websites. Random targeting is a waste of money, time and resources. All of your marketing, including retargeting, should be targeted.
  • Don’t give up on new technology because you can’t do it. It turns out that infographics, video, audio and other extras added to a website can dramatically increase your hits and your success. Instead, if you do not know how to deal with a new technology, hire someone, ask someone to show you, or take a class. Your customers will be more at ease if they know you can move with the times and new customers will be drawn to your site.
  • Avoid only posting and marketing content on your website or blog. Involve other social marketing platforms as well, such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and similar sites. Posting content on these platforms will bring organic traffic and, naturally, more potential customers. Make sure to have share buttons under each of your posts so your readers and visitors can easily spread them virally.
  • Avoid overusing SEO. Optimizing your content for search engines is important for attracting the right kind of audience. However, overusing keywords in your content and over-optimizing will prove harmful to both search engine marketing and content marketing, as your readers can tell the difference between well-written and engaging content and content written solely for the search engines.
  • Avoid reusing published content. Thinking you’ll attract a wider audience with content written by someone else, or content you have already published yourself, will only make you look bad. Each of your posts needs to be original, fresh and enticing.

The Bottom Line

Content marketing strategies are dynamic, changing over time, because technology and needs change over time. It is very important, for your sake and for the sake of your customers, that you keep up with and adapt to the changes. Blog posting is passé. People feel they have too much to read already, so unless you are succinct in what you say and offer great content, they will not even bother with your blog. Find other, newer ways to capture the attention of your audience.


12 Reasons Why You Should Make Social Media Marketing a Priority

12 Reasons Why You Should Make Social Media Marketing a Priority

Social media sites are doing well. Established networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ become more and more popular every day, while exciting new arrivals astound the Web with their amazing growth. Marketers who don’t try to get their share of the social media pie will be losing customers.


The Details:

  1. Web users spend more and more time on social media sites. People log into their social media accounts several times a day and each time they spend at least a few minutes. Social media usage accounts for 18% of all time spent online (according to comScore).
  2. It improves your brand image. While ads bring you more sales, social media spreads your brand vision and message to existing customers, but also to prospects. It enables you to tell the world who you are, what you do, and how you do it in a convincing manner.
  3. It keeps your customers updated with your latest product launches and events. Spreading company news on the Web through tweets or Facebook updates is faster and more convenient than doing it through press releases, and can bring you much more exposure than news items posted on your site.
  4. People connect to social media sites through various devices. More and more people are using smartphones and tablets to connect to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, and for marketers, this creates the opportunity to market to specific groups based on the platforms used.
  5. It connects you with other companies and experts in your niche. When you use social media actively, you establish ties not only with your customers, but also with important companies and people in your niche, and this can lead to joint events and collaborations in both the online environment and the real world.
  6. It increases your online exposure. Customers who have not heard of your company before are more likely to discover you if you have set up a business page on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
  7. It builds trust with existing customers. Social media lets you stay connected with your customers even when they are not buying your products, helping you to gather more feedback from them and understand better what they want, and this in turn helps you improve your products and services.
  8. It boosts your search engine rankings. It does this by building organic backlinks for you each time people share your content. It’s also said that Google takes into account the buzz you generate on the big social media sites when ranking your website.
  9. It enables you to provide faster customer service. Customers prefer to receive helpful advice for their product- and service-related problems from friendly employees via Facebook or Twitter than through a formal customer service that requires the exchange of emails.
  10. It enables you to do highly-targeted marketing. You know more about social media users than about Google searchers, and on social sites you also have tools that enable you to discover the demographics of your audience. A Facebook ad can be targeted to a more specific user group than a Google ad.
  11. Social media marketing doesn’t cost money. It’s probably the most effective free marketing tool available, and while it’s true that it requires an investment of time, there are many marketers who would rather spend more time than more money on their marketing campaigns, and maybe you are one of them.
  12. It’s the new media. People all over the world spend the time that they previously devoted to reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, or listening to the radio on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social sites. Social sites provide the same news that those other channels do, but it enables users to block the stuff they don’t want.