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Author: Steve

How to Attract More Readers to Your Blog: 15 Tips

How to Attract More Readers to Your Blog: 15 Tips

If you are new to the blogging world, you are probably writing daily and just hoping that people will stumble onto your site. The analogy would be if you were an actor, and while in LA you decided to sit in a diner that famous people were said to patronize in the hopes of “getting discovered.” Unfortunately, there are so many blogs (and so many wannabe actors!) that a passive Web presence is not the way to “be discovered.” Instead, one must be very proactive in promoting oneself in order to lasso readers of your blog.

The Details

  • Identify who you are writing the blog to or for. It is always important to know your prospective audience and write to that audience specifically.
  • Use Google Analytics or some other analytical program to determine who is reading your blog, when they are reading it and if they seem to be interested enough to read all of it before leaving the site.
  • When you find a topic your readers seem to love, go with it! Target audiences are hard to gauge until you see what they actually want to read.
  • If you do not have expertise on a topic, or are unwilling to do the research to become knowledgeable, don’t blog on it. This includes highly emotional topics that everyone has an opinion on, like politics and religion.
  • Allow comments. Make sure there is both give and take on your site. If people can contribute, they will come back again and again to see responses to their comments.
  • Make sure your content is timely. Nobody loves reading blogs that are out of date. If you are going to blog, make it a regular part of your day or week.
  • Use search engines to help people find you. This will not happen without being proactive and actually promoting your blog.
  • Promote your blog on social networking sites. Add links on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, and any other social networking site you can become a member of.
  • If your blog is a part of your business and a way for you to bring attention to it, don’t be boring! Instead, tell stories about your industry. Relate your own experiences. People do not want to feel like they are wasting their time just reading blog-advertisement posts.
  • Make use of search engine optimization (SEO) and do proper keyword research. Google has a tutorial on this subject to help your site come up in searches sooner.
  • Make sure your content is useful in some way. If you were to read your own blog, would you glean useable information from it? Would you come back to see what other information you could use?
  • Use guest bloggers occasionally if you are tired of constantly blogging and are running out of ideas.
  • Link to useful websites that are relevant to your target audience. You can even link to other bloggers whom you enjoy reading.
  • Create sideline items on your blog such as wish lists, recommendation lists, top ten lists, etc. Readers who enjoy these things will come back time and again for your next list so that they can try things out.
  • Aim to write some longer blogs and break them up. End each with some sort of “cliffhanger” to bring your readers back for the next installment.

The Bottom Line

Blogging may seem easy, but gaining readership and keeping it can be very difficult, since over two million unique blog posts are added to the Internet every day. Be proactive and sensitive about your posts and you will eventually build up the readership you have always wanted.

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Exceptional content creation and outsourcing

Exceptional content creation and outsourcing

If you’re spending time or money building some truly exceptional content, you’ll want to get the most bang for your buck. If you take the time to research and put together an “ultimate guide” on a topic, for example, you can post it on your website as a big authority article.

But it’s a waste not to then take that content and transform into other formats that are extremely useful and shareable. You could take your guide and convert into other formats, like infographics, videos, or podcasts.

There are so many formats for content that I find it amazing that so many marketers don’t take advantage of what they’ve already got. The information is there, all you have to do it build it into different formats.

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How to Find Profitable Products

How to Find Profitable Products

Is it really possible to generate an income online? Things change really fast on the internet and what only a few years ago seemed like an impossibility is now doable and many marketers have started earning a consistently high income every month.

Even though we hear stories of people making it big online, many are still skeptical.  With the great assortment of different ways to make money on the web, it can be hard to find one that works. The best place to start is also the most traditional method.

If you can find great products, then you’ll have an easier time selling them.  This article will help you find the most profitable products around.

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Marketing: maximum yield with minimum expense

Marketing: maximum yield with minimum expense

No marketing, no growth. Businesses thrive on marketing. Regardless of the size of your business, the more resources you can dedicate to your marketing efforts the more customers you’ll be able to reach.

While big companies may have a huge marketing budget, you can still follow their lead without spending quite as much.

Every major marketing campaign has a few important elements. Large companies may spend a lot to incorporate them into their marketing, but you can do the same thing with in a much smaller scale and expand you company.

The reason for this is that the power of these elements isn’t usually tied to the amount spent on them. Let’s look at those elements in more details.

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Traffic Made Easy (4 steps)

Traffic Made Easy (4 steps)

In a previous article we’ve talked about how important it is to have a killer offer for your products, whether it is your own products or services or some sort of affiliate programs.

That said, no matter how good and appealing your offer is, it’s not going to get you any results if nobody sees it. It makes sense, right? Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing.

Even if you are simply running a website, you need a steady stream of traffic if you want somebody to read your content or, in case you are promoting something, before you can start making any sales.

But as you might have experienced by now, generating traffic is often harder than you might expect.  There are a lot of things competing for people’s attention these days. While a high-value product or service once stood out on its own, now you need to give it a bit of a push.

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6 Steps to Creating a Killer Offer

6 Steps to Creating a Killer Offer

There are tons of way to promote an offer or a service but few actually have the power and uniqueness needed to be effective and produce the desired results. Creating your own excellent offer is the way in which you can manage to build your list, generate revenue, and grow your business.

It may seem like a daunting task at first. It is in fact a big step but once you master it you can literally render your products or services extremely appealing and ultimately reach your goals.

Here are a few suggestions that will help you create unlimited successful offers for your business.

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How to Grow Your Audience On YouTube

How to Grow Your Audience On YouTube

If you aren’t using YouTube to grow your audience, you’re missing out on a substantial portion of the population, and a great way to increase your influence online. Please consider that YouTube has over one billion viewers.

But are you really looking for simple viewers? Actually you’d be better off with a targeted audience of people who are actively engaged in your channel.

Since YouTube is a massive opportunity to grow your following for the long-term, let’s take a look at some of the best ways to grow your YouTube following.

There is no secret formula or unique guide to building up your user base. However there are some key factors to consider.

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