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Traffic Made Easy (4 steps)

Traffic Made Easy (4 steps)

In a previous article we’ve talked about how important it is to have a killer offer for your products, whether it is your own products or services or some sort of affiliate programs.

That said, no matter how good and appealing your offer is, it’s not going to get you any results if nobody sees it. It makes sense, right? Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing.

Even if you are simply running a website, you need a steady stream of traffic if you want somebody to read your content or, in case you are promoting something, before you can start making any sales.

But as you might have experienced by now, generating traffic is often harder than you might expect.  There are a lot of things competing for people’s attention these days. While a high-value product or service once stood out on its own, now you need to give it a bit of a push.

Tapping into someone else’s traffic through a joint venture is the quickest and easiest way to do this.  I’ve personally done this a number of times and it has almost always drastically increased the traffic flowing to one of my offers.

Here’s how you can do it, too:

  • Step 1: Find potential partners

The first step – obviously – is to find someone to joint venture with.

The ideal candidate is someone with an email list, or who generates a significant amount of traffic on a regular basis.  They should be working in the same niche market you are (or something relevant) because traffic needs to be targeted to convert well.

Make sure that the people who are going to see your offer are potentially interested in it.

Message boards and other online communities are a great place to start.

Or, you could track down a few popular websites and find the contact information of the person that runs them.

Doing this allows you to create a list of relevant, high traffic websites to approach.

  • Step 2: Reach out to them

Remember that a JV partner is different from a customer.

When you contact them, you’ll likely be speaking with a fellow marketer.

Treat them like a person you’re interested in getting to know.

Introduce yourself, explain why you are contacting them, what you need traffic for, and most importantly tell them what you can do for them.

Don’t forget that this is a joint venture partnership so they will be expecting to get something out of it as well.

Make sure that you have a “win-win” proposal.

Something from which the both of you can benefit.

  • Step 3: Provide them with what they need

Your partner will be sharing their own traffic with you. This could be their own readers, clients, or customers, so they will be a bit protective.

Make sure your potential business partner understands everything you’ll be doing (in details).

It is essential for you to put yourself in the other person’s shoes if you want to see some positive results.

(It probably took them a lot of effort, time and money to build that list of leads and clients so keep that in mind).

Tell them about the offer, link them to the website, and maybe even include a free sample of your product.

The more they know about you, and what you’re doing, the more likely it is they will want to partner with you.

  • Step 4: Pay them forward

Since this is a joint venture, you probably won’t be paying for the traffic up front. But of course, your partner will want to get something in return for all of the people they’re sending your way.

One idea is to offer them a percentage of the profits.

This will give them a real reason to send as many people to you as they can.

You could also help promote something they’re offering, in return.

When someone comes to your site and orders something, you could direct them to one of your partner’s offers as well. If you’re building a list, you could offer to promote one of your partner’s products to your list instead.

A few closing words…

Getting tons of traffic from a joint venture can be great but it can be tricky to find the right partner. Even when you do, there’s no guarantee they will be sending you actual leads and not just “window shoppers”.

Do you have something to promote yet? Do you have your own products?

If you’d rather jump right into promoting high quality, valuable products generate good commissions with a Done-For-You System you can seriously speed up the process and start seeing results in less time with much less effort.





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