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Landing Page Templates

Landing Page Templates

Finding good landing page templates is as easy as going to your favorite search engine and doing a search. The actual template you use isn’t as important as the elements on your landing page.

For any of you who aren’t completely familiar with what a landing page is, it is simply a page that is used to entice website visitors to sign up to your email list.


This page has that purpose only. There is nothing else to do on this page. Someone will sign up or they will leave. There are no ads, there are no links there is nothing else on that page but the information about the freebie you are offering as an incentive to sign up to your list.

I know that some people can get a little freaked about by what I just laid out.

They may be fearful that their visitors will get mad and will leave their site. And the truth is that can happen. But there is another truth you have to be aware of: upwards of 98% of your website visitors will never come back anyway.

Since you have worked so hard to get that traffic to your site and since most of them will never make a purchase from you or come back to your site, what do you really have to lose by trying to get them to sign up to your email list?

If they sign up you can have more opportunities to make contact with them and hopefully build rapport and trust and eventually turn them into paying customers.

When on the hunt for good landing page templates here are some of the basic components a good landing page should have:


  1. A place for a compelling headline. Everything on your landing page should be geared to getting your visitors to sign up to your list. To that end you want to have a compelling free offer for them.


In most cases that free offer will be some sort of report. When you create your title you want to make them eager to get their hands on that report.


  1. Bullet points for your free report. Again, you want to highlight some of the specific things you will teach them in your report. Don’t tell them exactly what the secrets are, just let them know there are secrets and that they will miss out if they don’t sign up.


  1. A video. This is optional. More online marketers are using video but you don’t have to.


  1. An optin form tied to your auto responder service. Don’t worry this is all automated when you get your auto responder set up.


  1. And of course, though this isn’t actually part of the landing page itself, you need to create a compelling free offer of some sort. Make sure you keep it closely related to some issue people in your niche commonly struggle with.



Keep these tips in mind when you start looking for landing page templates. Most of these templates will make it really easy for you to customize your landing page to suit your own unique needs.

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