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Landing Page Generator – Get Over The Hurdle

Landing Page Generator – Get Over The Hurdle

Setting up a successful website can be difficulty, but even once you get over that hurdle you still need to actually sell your product. Enticing people into buying your product can be difficult, especially over the internet. This is why repeated contact is important, and why email lists exists.

You want to show your visitors that you have quality content and know what you are talking about.

You want to have repeated contact with them, to build up trust so that they are more willing to buy your product. This is what a landing page is for.

Setting up a landing page can be pretty easy, you do not need some kind of landing page generator to get you going. It can all be done by you with just a little effort. However there are important tips you have to remember when working on your landing page.

This page represents your business so you need to make sure your visitors like it.


  1. Add a strong headline. Having a powerful headline on your landing page can help drive your visitors where you want them to go, which is opting into your email list. A good headline should try to do one of three things, make them curios about your product, make them fearful, or ask a question. It should also give a little information on what exactly your freebie offer is.


  1. Bullet points. Something you wont get from a landing page generator are bullet points. Bullet points should give your visitors very short and concise information on your product, freebie offer, and other things within your niche. You want to show them you know what you are talking about. However make sure you do not give too much information otherwise they will not need to join your email list.


  1. Video. While this is entirely optional it can be very beneficial to include a video on your landing page. A video should just be short and provide further information on your freebie offer and product. Try to include your bullet points in this to emphasize that information.

There are also some things you should avoid doing on your landing page as well.


  1. Do not put ads. Ads are nothing more then distractions. Your landing page exists for the sole purpose of driving people towards opting into your email list. By putting ads and other links on your landing page, you are just distracting your visitors and decreasing the chance that they will join your email list.


  1. Do not bombard them with sales pitches either. When they opt into your email list you may feel the urge to try your hardest to make a sale, avoid this. Instead keep providing them with quality content, when they trust you and your knowledge they will buy your product.


When you realize how simple and easy it is to set up a landing page, you realize you do not need any special landing page generator or anything. As long as you follow these tips you can set up a great landing page to help entice your visitors into joining your email list.

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