6 Steps to Creating a Killer Offer
There are tons of way to promote an offer or a service but few actually have the power and uniqueness needed to be effective and produce the desired results. Creating your own excellent offer is the way in which you can manage to build your list, generate revenue, and grow your business.
It may seem like a daunting task at first. It is in fact a big step but once you master it you can literally render your products or services extremely appealing and ultimately reach your goals.
Here are a few suggestions that will help you create unlimited successful offers for your business.
- Know your Target Market
Your target market is the first thing you need to consider.
A killer offer is designed to appeal directly to a specific group of people (your target audience).
Your offer should be appealing specifically to them. If there is a technical slang, use it. Let them know that you know what you are talking about, that you are one of them. Promote something that is relevant and useful to your specific audience.
The key to a successful offer is creating something your target market is hungry for.
With that said, it is necessary that you start doing a bit of research. Learn about the latest releases in that niche market, find out what your competitors are offering and give something new or presented in a unique and totally different way.
This research phase will often give you all the answers you need.
- What’s in it for them?
Determine what your ideal client will get out of your offer and then use those benefits to create what we call the main selling points.
First you need to identify what problem or difficulty your target audience might encounter. Second, create your own product or pick an affiliate product or service that can solve it and that can make whatever it is easier for them.
Maybe it’s a program or an educational course that answers a number of questions they may have. Perhaps it’s a new technique or product which will improve what your potential customers are already doing.
The key concept is that before you can create a killer offer, you need to understand what your audience needs and promote something that benefits them.
- Features
Once you’ve figured out the benefits, you need to come up with the features. Describe in details what they get when they purchase.
No matter what you do, there is probably some competition.
An impressive set of features (which show HOW a buyer will realize the benefits) will make your offer appear much more valuable.
Add features wherever you can to support the benefits.
- Build value before price
Keep the following concept in mind:
The price of a product or service is relative to what it’s worth to the buyer.
There are many people who choose a price and then try to create an offer around that. But, if something is of an extremely high quality, if it offers a long list of valuable benefits, and if it has more features than other options available on the market, then even a high price will seem low.
The price point is determined by the actual value of your offer. If you can improve the quality of people’s lives, if you can really make an impact, then the price point can be as high as you most reasonably consider fair.
- Guarantees
People are often reluctant to spend money. They want to be sure they’re getting a good deal, and avoid the risk of loss. This is why you need to add a guarantee.
This could be as simple as a guarantee to refund anyone who isn’t satisfied or as complicated as a warranty with maintenance.
Alternatively, you can offer a free trial and let them use your product or service for a short period of time. This guarantee is often what pushes people over the line and into the realm of paying customers.
- Call to action
The call to action is the last and possibly most important thing to include in your offer. You need only one call to action. Make it clear, simple and straightforward.
Ask yourself, what is the purpose of your offer? What is your goal? Are you selling something? Are you promoting a service? A membership subscription? Do you want you readers to watch a video or click on some link?
Once you are clear on that you can come up with an effective call to action.
At the end of the sales copy you need to direct your potential customers on what to do.
Whether you want them to buy something, contact you, or submit their email, you need to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it.
Also, don’t forget to tell them to do it NOW. This urgency element is extremely important, it can be time sensitive or limited copies or some reason for them not to postpone their decision to buy, opt-in or whatever it is that you are aiming for.
A few words to close…
With practice you can learn how to create your own killer offers.
It does, however, take some time and effort to write, test, and revise until you reach the desired results and even then you can still improve.
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